Grindon Church Community Project believes it is the responsibility of everyone to abide by Safeguarding Policies of the URC Northern Synod and Grindon Church Community Project to protect and safeguard all vulnerable adults and all chlidren who access or use GCCP CIO.
Further details of these policies can be requested by email from, by phone from 01915342519, by speaking to a Trustee, volunteer or member of staff.
GCCP Temporary Safeguarding Officer
Name : Kati Whiteoak
Contact phone number: 07850838196
Email address:
Children’s Services 0191 5663300
Adult Social Care 0191 5205552
Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) 0191 5613901
Police 101 (advice & crime report non urgent)
Police 999 all emergencies
Source of support:
United Reformed Church Safeguarding Officer Helen Berg Email:
Churches Child Protection Advisory 24 hour helpline: Tel: 0845 120 4550
(n.b. out of office hours should only be used for urgent advice which cannot wait until
the following day)
Should anyone have any complaints about safeguarding in Northern Synod please
contact the Synod Moderator Rev Kim Plumpton
Synod Office, 4 College Lane. Newcastle NE1 8JJ
Tel: 0191 232 1168 email:
It would be helpful to have complaints in writing as this avoids any possible
misunderstanding about what the issue is. Whether verbal or in writing complaints
will be acted upon. Any written complaint will be responded to within 10 days.